Saturday, February 13, 2010

February Look

When I am embroidering an image through paper, the thing I long most to do is tear it off. I will stitch small segments, ordering my directions so as to allow me to tear more and more, without waiting for any completion to satisfy the desire to rip that paper off the cloth. With that in mind, I would like to share with you: the largest piece I have ever completed without tearing any of it at all until completion.

Ok, it's only about 2 1/4" x 3 1/2", but still. That's self-control right there.

I've had a lot going on this past month. I moved my studio, for one thing. It's only a difference of a few yards, but the difference in how much light comes pouring in, and how much room I have to move around in, and how much safer I feel about my supplies potentially crashing down in an earthquake is huge. It's a good change. I'm preparing for a show I'll be participating in this summer, and for submitting to a few others, which is all rather exciting and productivity-inspiring. I've got new ideas running around my head and desk, mingling with techniques and themes I've had going for a while now, and that feels great. I think I'm on the verge of some highly enjoyable experiments.
Of course, the problem with experiments is that I don't always know where I will go with a piece. That one above, for example. I've been playing with transparency and layering, which is lovely fun- but now that the time has come for attaching layers, I find I can't decide how to do it. I suspect my experiment will be completed only through more experimentation. This isn't a bad thing, but I do worry about the delicacy of my layers holding up through trial. I hope I don't spoil any.
Ah well. Sometimes, that's just how it goes!

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